Basirhat has a long history of farmer's movement like 'Tebhaga Andolan'. Freedom fighter Dinesh Chandra Majumder was born here in 1907. There is a lot of controversy and debate regarding the naming of "Basirhat". But all explanations are satisfying and are causally related in some or other way. It implies that if we examine the sources then it will reflect the one or other socio-economic dimensions of the "Basirhat" region.
The sources which are considered till now behind the naming of Basirhat are as follows:
*Bahurhat - market for various items.
*Banserhat - market for buying and selling bamboos.
*Bastirhat - low land market
According to Dr. Sukumar Sen, Basirhat is named after a person named 'Basi'. Referring to Bengali Dictionary, the word Basi means-Indriya Basban, Jitendriya, Apradhin, Sadhin, Swatantra. From this it may be concluded that Basirhat was an independent tax-free business centre. Like present day's Free Business Centres.
Basirhat is named after a person named Basir Muhammad or Basir Khan. In spite of this if we consider Basir Khan's market then it should be around medieval period. But from the records it is clear that Muslim intrusion didn't take place before 1200 B.C. Basirhat's Sahi Masjid was constructed in 1466 B.C