After February there is a steady increase in temperature. May is generally the hottest month with the mean daily maximum temperature at about 42 °C and the mean daily minimum at about 26 °C. The nights are warmer in June than in May. The heat in the summer is intense and the hot, dry and dust-laden westerly winds which are common in the hot season make the weather severely trying. In this season maximum temperatures on individual days sometimes reach 46 °C or over. With the onset of the south-west mansoon over the district by about the third week of June there is appreciable drop in the day temperature and the weather becomes more bearable. But the nights still continue to be as warm as in the latter part of the summer. With the with drawl of the mansoon by about the end of September there is a slight increase in the day temperature. There is a rapid drop in the night temperature after the with drawl of the mansoon. After November both day and night temperatures decrease rapidly till January, which is usually the coldest month with the mean daily maximum temperature about 23 °C and the mean daily minimum temperature at about 8 °C. During the cold season the district as affected by cold waves and fog and the minimum temperature occasionally goes down to 3 °C