
Religions of Agra

Hinduism, Islam, and Jainism are three major religions in Agra district with 89.6%, 8.93%, and 0.51% of the population following them. Jatavs, Baniyas and Jats, along with dominance of Rajputs in the rural areas mainly Sikarwar, Sisodia, Chauhan, Bargujar, Tomar and Raghavs are most numerous castes in Agra. Agra is also considered as dalit capital because Jatavs form a large section of the population and maintains a substantial middle class in society. Some Scheduled Tribes like the Bhotia and Jaunsari have marginal presence (about 0.02% of the population).

52.5% of Agra's population is in the 15–59 years age category. Around 11% of the population is under 6 years of age. Hindi is the most widely spoken language in Agra. Urdu and Punjabi are also spoken