Kaupfélag Borgfirðinga (KB)
Kaupfélag Borgfirðinga was founded in 1904 as a mutual company. It was the biggest supplier of work in Borgarnes in the 20th century. Like among most local mutual companies (and members of SÍS, the Federation of Iceland Cooperatives Societies) in Iceland, Kaupfélag Borgfirðinga had shops, supermarkets, petrol stations, a slaughterhouse, a milk processing factory, a bakery, etc. under its name. KB also had shares in many other factories and companies in the Borgarnes area and elsewhere in Iceland. At the end of the 20th century, KB's financial powers and status began to decline and it was changed to a holding company called KB Borgarnesi EHF. The KB logo and trademark will no longer be used for what is left of KB's operations in the beginning of 2005.
Major industries in Borgarnes
Borgarnes is the center of commerce for a large part of western Iceland. The town's economy is mostly based on service to people traveling from Reykjavík, farmers and owners of summer houses in the countryside around the town, and also various industries.
Shops and trading
Samkaup, Supermarket
Húsasmiðjan, Hardware store
Framköllunarþjónustan, Photographic processing
Hyrnan, Supermarket, shop, restaurant and a bus stop, owned by KB
Bónus, A discount supermarket, owned by Baugur Group
Vínbúð, Wine shop, owned by the Icelandic state
Tvest, Electronics store selling, amongst other things, computers and TVs
Sparisjóður Mýrasýslu. The local savings bank.
BM Vallá. Steel industry: nails,