The countless roman, german, prehisthoric artifacts prove, that this area was already populated thousands of years ago.
The moore age graveyard has an outstanding relevance in Zamárdi, 'cause it's the biggest and most richest discovered graveyard in the Kárpát-basin. Zamardi's graveyard is worthily part of Somogycountrys treasures. Our ancestor lived for centuries from agriculture. Its main part was grape-growing and winemaking, which is still very nice in our area. Our settlement got the township title in 1927, and became a city with the 1st of July in 2008. The citys spectacular development started in the thirthies. Nowadays Zamárdi is called the citadel of Lake Balatons tourism.
The fact, that it's a popular holiday place also proves that the city has more than 300.000 registered night reservations. Its reputation is due to its cared and clean free beach, which already won the Balaton Blue flag many times. You can choose from a wide range of accommodations, restaurants and free time activities (sailing, fishing, hunting, riding, and traveling, archiving, biking, festivals). Zamárdi gives a home to the biggest festival around balaton, The Heinekken Balaton Sound. The planned developments (hotel, Balaton Park, Pier) will give much more possibilities to our guests all year round. We hope that with these ongoing developments, Zamárdi will be an accepted holiday place for Europian standards. Reményeink szerint a megvalósuló beruházásokkal Zamárdi a Balaton part európai színvonalú turisztikai célpontjává válik