The three aforementioned towns are connected by one paved road, which runs directly through Santa Catarina Palopó. The population of Santa Catarina Palopó is approximately 1,300, though accurate population estimates are difficult to ascertain. The actual population may be much more. The vast majority of the residents of the town are indigenous, descending from the Cakchiquel Maya. Cakchiquel is the most common language spoken in the village, though Spanish is widely understood. Subsistence agriculture is the means of survival for most families within the community, however, a recently spurred tourist industry has created a market for souvenir style goods and services. Perhaps the most easily recognizable characteristic of Santa Catarina Palopó is the blue huipil, or blouse, which is worn prominently by the women of the community. Though the guipil has been worn since the 16th century, it may seem to be particularly indigenous trait, the blue style is, in fact, the result of very recent western influences