The park sits on limestone terrain, so that surface water is scarce. The climate is tropical and humid. Throughout the year there are a dry season and the rainy season. Annual rainfall varies between 1000 and 2400 mm . Maximum temperatures range between 28 and 35 ° C, and the minimum between 15 and 22 º C.
The park is covered by jungle umbrófila primary, with a canopy that rises to fifty yards. The trees are more abundant kapok ( Ceiba pentandra ) the sacred tree of the Maya, the American cedar ( Cedrela odorata ), the sapodilla ( Manilkara zapota), the Mahogany Honduran ( Swietenia macrophylla ), the rosewood ( Tabebuia rosea ), ramón ( Brosimum alicastrum ), the ant ( Platymiscium dimorphandrum ), the tree of Santa Maria ( Calophyllum brasiliense ), the yarumo ( Cecropia peltata ), copal ( Cupania belizensis ), the cojón ( Stemmadenia donnell-smithii ), palm broom ( Cryosophila argentea ) and pepper ( Pimenta dioica ).
Not yet done a detailed inventory of the park wildlife.
Among the mammals that inhabit the park include the gray fox ( Urocyon cinereoargenteus ), jaguar ( Panthera onca ), puma ( Puma concolor ), the jaguarundi ( Herpailurus yaguarondi ), ocelot ( Leopardus pardalis ), margay ( Leopardus wiedii ) The common paca ( Agouti paca ), the Mexican anteater ( Tamandua mexicanus ), the kinkajou (Potos flavus ), northern raccoon ( Procyon lotor ), the Eira ( Eira barbara ), the corzuela red ( Mazama americana ) and the northern tapir ( Tapirus bairdii ) can also be found agoutis ( Dasyprocta ), coatis ( Nasua ), spider monkeys ( Ateles ), howler monkeys ( Alouatta), peccaries ( Tayassuidae ), armadillos ( Dasypodidae ), bats ( Microchiroptera ) ...
There is a great diversity of birds . These include the harpy eagle ( Harpy Eagle ), the ocellated turkey ( Meleagris ocellata ), the hawkpechirrojo ( Falco deiroleucus ), the quail speckled ( Odontophorus guttatus ), the conoto Moctezuma ( Montezuma Psarocolius ), thedarter