� Apfeltag (Apple Day) � mid-October
� B�rlauchtage (Bear Garlic Days) - mid-March to mid-April celebrate Ramsons
� Fr�hlingsfest (Spring Festival) - mid-May
� Kuckucksmarkt (Cuckoo Market): Eberbach's Cuckoo Market is a folk festival on the last weekend of August. The name traces itself back to an old traditional story. According to the tale, an Eberbacher (from the main town north of the Neckar) in an inn in Neckarwimmersbach (on the south bank) was served a cuckoo, rather than the pigeon that he had ordered. This he then proceeded to consume. The Cuckoo Market is held in Neckarwimmersbach at the "In der Au" sports grounds and in several streets (Schwanheimer Stra�e, Beckstra�e, Neckarbr�cke). It was once held on the Neckar's north bank between Pulverturm and Gr�ner Baum, which is nowadays where the aforesaid Spring Festival is held