The climate of the town of Girón is milder than that of nearby Cuenca. There are two seasons: winter (January to May) and summer (June to December). Within the canton of Girón, the climate varies by altitude. In and around the town of Girón, the climate is Humid and Semihumid Mesothermal Ecuatorial: average annual temperatures are between 12 and 20°C, with annual precipitation between 500 and 2000 mm. There is a High Mountain Cold Ecuatorial zone at approximately 3000m elevation; here, there is a temperature average of 8°C and annual precipitation between 500 and 2000 mm. Along the descending mountain slopes between 1000 and 2000 m elevation, the climate depends on the elevation. In the subtropical valleys, it is warm and dry. La Asunción, for example, has an average temperature of 21 °C and receives 500 mm of precipitation.
The most important river in the canton of Girón is Río Girón, a tributary of Río Rircay. Río Rircay, also located in the canton, is a tributary of Río Jubones. Other rivers include El Chorro, Río Falso, Río Mandur, Río El Burro, Río Manzano, Río Rosas o Zhurzha y Río San Gregorio. A few lakes exist in the canton; the most important is Laguna de San Martín. Other lakes include Chapana Lake, Guandeleg Lake, and Zhogra Lake. Bestión Lake is popular with tourists. The El Chorro series of waterfalls is located 5 km above the town of Girón and is a popular tourist site