
Economy of Jimani

Agriculture and commerce with Haiti represent the main economic activities of this Municipality. In agriculture the main products are cassava, batata, melon, peppers, cilantro and tomatoes.

Jimani has a popular duty free open air marketplace with Haiti that is also visited by people from adjoining towns and even from distant regions of the country. In this market, products of the basic food basket are sold, as well as foreign beverages, clothes, shoes and new and used electrical appliances.

The customs zone of the border is called "The Door" and it is visited by foreign tourist that come to observe the dynamics of the business and intercultural and interracial relation between Dominicans and Haitians.

The municipal City Hall receives monthly RD$1,000,000.00 as mandated by the General Law of Budget, through the Dominican Municipal League. The authorities of the City Hall estimate the internal tax collection to be some RD$15,000.00 monthly.

The municipal districts El Limón y Boca de Cachón receive monthly $RD500,000.00 each one, from the transfer ordered by the law through the Dominican Municipal League.

There are two financial institutions in Jimaní. A branch office of the Reserve Bank and a branch office of the Cooperative of Savings and Credits of Neiba (Coopacrene)