The village of The Ladies becomes a part of the common one of Neyba Province of Azua of Compostela, Department of Ozama May 9 of the 1850 by the law not. 533 on territorial division.
But late May 17, 1876 by the number of inhabitants and by its agricultural importance, the president Ulysses Francisco Espaillat signed the decree not. 1524 erecting in Cantonal Position upon populating of The Ladies belonging to the common one of Neyba, Province of Azua.
September 12, 1881 became a part of the Maritime District of Barahona, jointly with Petit Trou, today Municipality of Enriquillo.
During of the government of Ulysses Heureaux (Lilís) the vice president of the Republic Wenceslao Figuereo instituted in common with the name of Duverge the Cantonal Positions the Ladies of the Maritime District of Barahona, June 22, 1891 offering him the name of Duverge in honor of the hero of our war of General independence Antonio Duverge.
The common one of Duvergé was segregated of the Province of Barahona, in its condition of common to become a part of the Province Bahoruco by means of the law not. 229 of March 18, 1943.
In the year 1949, in the government of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina was promulgated the law not. 2107 by means of which the common one of Duverge becomes a part of the Province Independence to the present time.
The municipality of Duvergé, a plain entrenched between saws and mountains, this located geographically in the Valley of Neyba but politically belongs to the Province Independence.
This community this to some 17 km. of Neyba and to 42 km. Of Jimani, municipality head of the province.
Duverge this located in a zone of abundant cactus, with An a little irregular climate, nevertheless, counts on currents of groundwater and superficial that dampen their lands and in spite of the aridez they do them eligible for the production.
Although does not it count on an exuberant vegetation, the same one has