In 1850, both of the former villages, Drnholec nad Lubinou and Větřkovice, became a part of the political district of Nový Jičín within the judicial district Příbor. Between the years 1939-1945, both villages were attached to the Third Reich within so called “the Nový Jičín Landrat”.
In 1980, Lubina covered an area of 781 hectares. In that year Lubina had a population of 1358 which increased to 1371 in 1991. The number of dwellings increased from 344 (in 1980) to 363 (in 1991).In 1971, Lubina became a seat of a collective farm „Družba“ which was established by uniting of collective farms Lubina, Mniší, Vlčovice and Hájov. The collective farm „Družba“stretched on an area of 1502 hectares