
About Valle del Guamuez

San Marcelino-Yarinal-Amaron, Nuevo Horizonte, La Argelia, Santa Rosa and Santa Rosa Sucumbios Guamuez of Kofán ethnicities, Inga, Pastures and Embera Chami, your name principalmente.Toma Guamuez great river, which crosses from west to east, is used by the inhabitants of the region as a transport, fishing, and recreation. The municipality is divided into 80 villages and three urban centers identified under the following names: the Tiger, the pleasure, and the Ant latter is the county seat where all political and administrative institutions of the municipality. Guamuez Valley Township belongs to zone three department, named as Amazonian lowlands or lower Putumayo, is part of the vast Amazon forest reserve. In addition, the entire territory of the municipality is reserved by the State to further exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons