
History of Valle del Guamuez

leader left the place, obeying their cultural ancestors sacred respect for their dead.

By 1910 and 1940 the house was present Arana (rubber operating company) inPutumayo , Caquetá and Amazon . In 1923 a group of settlers arrive at Guamuez Valley in search of the rubber tree. This group of people entered sailing canoes to paddle tip force, following the course of the Putumayo River and Guamuez river , to a place named after St. Anthony of Guamuez, gaining the trust of the indigenous Cofan, thus founding the first town of the Valley Guamuez.

La Hormiga, county seat, is named after Emiliano Ricon Ospina, who came to Bogotáin search of an Indian healer with his family, who by despair, went into the jungle. After walking a lot, camped near a stream, where they suffered constant ant bites. There were so many unforgettable memories as they decided to call La Hormiga
