relationship and training
with the expression Soldier Bolívar "Susacón".
is chibcha origin. The Indian settlement was
ruled by a chief tributary of the mighty chief cacique of Soatá Soaita.
the conquistadors arrived in the territory of the cacique Tundama or Tunja, he
called in aid to all tribes who yielded obedience. The
chief of Soatá organized their armies with people of his chiefdom and Boavita
tribes, and Chicamocha Susacón. The Indians of these
Aboriginal people marched towards Tunja and Bonza here left to fight on behalf
of Mr. Tundama. The victory went to the
Spanish Susacón In pre-Hispanic times was part of the dominions of the cacique
of Soatá Soaita. The first evangelists were
the Dominicans parents. Were trustees of Susacón
Quincoces John Molina and Pedro Bravo. Part Susacón territory
belonged to Soatá colonial times. The foundation of the parish,
on December 18, 1809, is attributed to Nicolas Ramirez, Domingo de la Parra
Badilla and Vicente. The priest Ignacio Antonio
Zubieta construction of the parish church, work that began in 1822 is due.
December 9, 1811, Tunja enacted its constitution Susacón act which was
represented by Father Nicolás Ramírez Lozano as elector. With
the organization of the province of Tunja in departments Susacón the department
was doing North.