Although little recorded history, the first European to set foot on this land was Alonso de Ojeda in 1499 from Cartagena de Indias , just as Rodrigo de Bastidas did in 1501 in command of an expedition to determine the characteristics of the area, discovering the mouth of the Sinu River, so in 1534 the troops penetrate Don Alonso de Heredia , lieutenant governor and brother of Don Pedro de Heredia founded Cartagena .
After this raid, Don Diego de Corbella , member of the first armed Heredia brothers founded the town with the name of a Santero, named after the name of its hills, about three miles from the mouth of the Sinu River in Cispatá Bay, on a date which should be investigated in a better way, as stipulated as the January 3, 1647 is impossible, since that time Corbella, have been more than 120 years old, as he arrives with Pedro de Heredia in 1532, added to this, in many historical encomendero later appears as a Corbella don Pedro de Barros in 1590, so it can be presumed that the foundation of the town must have known much earlier. It can be estimated that the founding of San Antero, occurred between 1535 and 1540, considering the proximity to Santiago de Tolu, which is founded by Don Alonso de Heredia in 1534 with the name of Puerto de la Villa Tolu.
Subsequently and coincidental way a January 3, 1777 the village is refounded by Antonio de la Torre y Miranda , who complied with an order from the governor of Cartagena de Indias, Don Juan de Torrezar Diaz Pimienta , in this re-foundation of the Tower reorganizes the population in which 98 solar partitioned among 98 families, which amounted to a total of 488 people, here, De La Torre rename Santero by San Antero, in honor of a Greek Pope who came to the throne of St. Peter in the 235 years after the
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