The route which began in the village of Villa-Nueva (Norte de Santander) where
they went to the snakes and Maicito farms; Spent several days after they
arrived at Cerro Bobali tracing where startled by a banked, wide road, wooded,
made by the Spanish to make the crossing looking Catatumbo contact the
Magdalena River. They then proceeded to leave bleaching road and continue to
proceed with the development of the path of the road.
The engineer Emilio Atehortúa lost the compass that guided one night camped on
the banks of a sewer, because of a barrejobo of a nearby creek what caused the
commission to stray in the middle of the jungle. Eight days of being lost they
found two hunters (brothers Arce) who are in charge of leading them to the
savannah Mule (Carrizal) and later come to mind bijao kills (today Pelaya).
The route was not followed by the spurs of the hills, by the information
received Emilio Atehortúa on a road that existed bijao to Mata Mata.
Based on this new information make a new path and take as a starting point to
the kill.
They pass by plotting bijao kills (Pelaya), and later still make the ladies
camp. Reach dirty pipe, continuing the line of the trunk road east of the
Rincón Hondo kills through the estate of Christ Diaz and Maria del Transito and
assembled tents on the banks of a mighty stream, which later took the name of
Continue the road and come to a pipe that pipe Emilio Atehortúa call for its
crystal blue waters, after several days of travel, he found another pipe pipe
called Blue Mountain by encontrase this amidst a small mountain filled with
In this journey the committee encountered with traces of the existence of a
mill located on the banks of a new pipe and decided to christen the pipe mill
A new actor aprese on this story: Marcial Guerra aware of these lands who