In pre-Hispanic times the region was inhabited by the people of the Grass, who resisted the invasion of the Incas when they entered the region under the command of Huayna Capac 1480.The nation of the Indian conglomerate Pastures were existing from time immemorial, had already founded their villages, were organized into chiefdoms, with circular huts hundred in number, "were farmers, hunters, potters, goldsmiths" believed in immortality of the soul, had their gods: the Sun, the Moon, the monkey, the rivers, lakes, mountains, and his sanctuary in the pictograph of the Apes today in Potosi and astronomical center in Petroglyph Machines in Cumbal; were Lovers of Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). They worked masterfully ceramics, metalwork, textiles, had knowledge of astrophysics, traditional medicine, endogenous development, and education in its own right, worldview, legacy amazes us and demonstrates cultural advancement of our ancestors.
The first to arrive in the region were: Diego de Tapia, then AƱazco and Juan Pedro de Ampudia in 1535 the river Ancashmayu (Guaytara); Pedro de Puelles in 1537, Spanish sent from Quito by Sebastian Benalcazar advance, they continued to center of what would become the New Kingdom of Granada, the current storyline sees this episode as an invasion.
The Spanish on arrival and found an advanced culture, pastures, and settlements already established, funded and organized by the Indians as noted in 1545, Pedro Cieza de Leon , in his Chronicle of Peru :
"They are also comarcanos with these other people, whose names are: Ascual, Mallama, Tucurres, Zapuys, Iles, Gualmatal, Funes, Chapal, Males and
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