In 1893 telephone service was established Floridablanca Bucaramanga, were donated the land for the hospital and I think the welfare office. In 1899 the outbreak of War of the Thousand Days and Floridablanca: liberal-General Uriel Uribe was defeated in Piedecuesta on October 29 , he moved with his 2500 men Floridablanca to rebuild its ranks, then marched against Bucaramanga on 11 November , there Gen. Socorrano Juan Francisco Gómez Pinzón , who to demonstrate its value wounded in the leg bled to death, was taken to Stony and buried quietly evening November 13 in Floridablanca. -The hospital became Floridablanca charity and organized the blood bank of the army. - Was organized Floridablanca column, which admitted many children of this county, and
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