By this time and according to raised by Arias de Ugarte on his pastoral visit data doctrines had 527 inhabitants in Lugano, 763 in Chita and Tamara with Pisba and Paya 1304. These data refer only to the Indians who were reduced in the populations, as many were fleeing slavery in the mountains. The mission of the Jesuits did not last long because once Arias Ugarte's successor arrives, Don Julian de Cortazar, who did not want the Jesuits, no waiting orders from the King and once President De Borja dies, take measures to remove Plains in 1628. missions again hands of the secular clergy of the province of Tunja.
With the arrival of the Spaniards, and mingle with the natives, came the mestizo population that dominated this region. Thanks to its location as an intermediate site between the highlands and the plains region during the colonial period and part of the twentieth century, Chita kept certain preponderance; to the extent that the country was industrializing, and were incorporated into national and international new product market, also were transformed roads and transportation, economic dynamics moves to new regions, leaving isolated a good number of population centers of the new development context, including Chita who lost importance as a center of trade and development began to rely on their own resources and their ability to compete economically.
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