
History of Agua de Dios

of Cucuta on February 1 of 1923 , away against his will to the people of Agua de Dios. He was beatified on April 14 of 2002 by Pope John Paul II and his remains lie in the chapel of the Mother house of the HHSSCCJM.

By Act 148 of 1961 were returned all civil, political and social guarantees enshrined in the Constitution to leprosy patients. This same law that authorized the Assembly of Cundinamarca municipalities to create and Water Procurement of God, the benefit granted to award the land to those who occupied at that time. Result of this law, born Ordinance No. 78 of November 29 of 1963 that created the town.The March 23 , 1963 and was officially opened by Decree 317 of the same year, was appointed the first mayor
