Currently Wuxi is designated as an investment grade city, and has two large industrial parks devoted to new industries.,While being the current manufacturing centers on textiles, there are projects to move to electric motor manufacturing and MRP software development. Wuxi is the solar technology hub in China as two major photovoltaic companies are based in the city. They are Suntech Power and Jetion Holdings Ltd which are listed on overseas stock exchanges.
A major push has been made by the Wuxi government to become a leader in new energy industries. According to the most recent figures (2002) from local government, 24 percent of economic activity is textile trade, and another 25 percent is industrial based manufacturing, including motors, molds and casting, with another 8 percent being light industry.
In 2008 new energy industries were worth 37.8 Billion RMB, with the solar photovoltaic industry accounting for 30.2 Billion RMB of the total. The GDP per capita was ¥107,400 (US$17,050) in 2011, ranked second in Jiangsu Province, ahead of capital Nanjing and Suzhou.
Wuxi is one of the top business cities in China. According to Forbes ranking, Wuxi is in the third position for best business cities in Mainland China in 2008.
The center of the city is filled with modern high rise buildings and the market is being redeveloped in a postmodern style. Hynix completed a new chip plant in