Vi�a del Mar, along with the rest of the districts of Greater Valparaiso coastal part of the tourist area of the country, thanks to the large dividends delivered by this economic sector. The commune has a great choice of hotels and has embellished in order to improve its tourist appeal.
An important place is the " Casino de Vi�a del Mar ", opened in 1930 and for years one of the few casinos in Chile. Today also owns the Hotel del Mar at the mercy of an enlargement as something unusual in Chilean architecture, classic profile remained unaltered Casino. However, with the entry into force of the new Act Casinos , which brought increased competition, has suffered great losses vi�amarino economic, thus affecting the municipal coffers.
The industrial district of Vi�a del Mar is called "El Salto". It is located in the place where the delta of the river Marga-Margabegins to appear. They give you access the metro and Southern Trunk Highway .
Vi�a del Mar has the largest number of businesses in the city of Valparaiso, so, along with other districts of Santiago, is becoming one of the favorite places for the business to make their investments. Besides the Forbes magazine as one of the most exclusive resorts in Latin America , the level of Punta del Este in Uruguay , Puc�n in southern Chile and Mar del Plata in Argentina .
Currently the district is considered to be one of the most prestigious places to do business in Latin America, this is evidence that the French newspaper Le Monde ranked Vi�a del Mar in Latin circuit " high luxury cities "honor shared with cities such as Venice, Miami, Southampthon, Monaco, and Beverly Hills. In the year 1997 was held for the first time Vi�a Fashion Week , considered one of the events leading couture in Latin America along with those of Buenos Aires ,Santiago , Sao Paulo , and Rio de Janeiro