Valparaiso's Metro is a
mass transit which opened on November 23, 2005. Valpara�so Metro has
one line from the plan ofValparaiso , to Vi�a del Mar , following
communes of Quilpu� , Villa Alemana up end up Limache , a city that does
not belong to Gran Valpara�so but was drawn there as many of its
citizens were using the old service Metrotren, operating
MERVALsubsidiary of EFE in Valparaiso and the same that handles the
Metro today. Line 1 has 20 stations, of which the most important are
Puerto, Vi�a del Mar, Quilpu�, Villa Alemana and Limache.
municipality of Villa Alemana has 5 Metro stations, from west to east:
the Americas, La Concepci�n, Villa Alemana, Sargento Aldea and