love and your affection" . He continued, "here ladies and gentlemen not only will have a room for relaxation of spirit, so necessary after the tiring day's work. Here's a home for your social evenings, for your cultural events for all those events in which inhabitants of this beautiful city requiring speak from himself and express their sovereign will of the review " . Its golden age was between 40 and 50 and said that the site presented the Symphony Orchestra of Chile and Pablo Neruda, along with major theater companies. An anecdotal data is currently being leased to the municipality, his family still owns Composto.
But back to the theater. As recounted in the text "The Teatro Pompeii in the XXI Century" , the building has an eclectic style typical of the early twentieth century, neoclassical and blends elements of art nouveau architecture with elements of traditional Chilean, what gives you that imposing that is maintained until today.
The theater is built into its walls with a partition of Douglas fir and stuffing adobillo, the roof trusses are made in metal braces and reinforced with bolted clamps, the semicircular arches that make up the portals is brick masonry and has small buttresses at its ends: the sky is treated with a beamed at the sight of Douglas Fir.
Currently the theater is in a renovation, funded with municipal contributions.
Historical accounts
Stories of Don Benjam�n Vicu�a Mackenna (1831 - 1886), Chilean politician and historian, in his work entitled "From Valparaiso to Santiago in Railroad" (1869), narrated his way through Villa Alemana, which is transcribed:
"The drawer Lebo" station Pe�a Blanca , in which Divisadero we stopped for a while, and around which can see no rocks of any color, as in Montenegro are not black nor white mountains, is located in the western mouth of the box called "Lebo" by the creek or ditch that runs north to empty into the estuary Limache. The Indians call Lebos into rivers,