
History of Rancagua

Before the Spanish conquest, the valley of the River Cachapoal chachapoales was inhabited by two and is likely to be a name of Rancagua castellanizaci�n of Quechua rangk�l , a species of the genus cane butt and we , instead, ie means "place where there are reeds "or simply" reeds ".

Over time, Rancagua has received a number of designations of origin about popular cultural characteristics of the city and its surroundings, some of these are:

Huasos the O'Higgins Region .

"The City of Antennas" , a name born of the many wire antennas that were installed on the roofs of houses and apartments, which were seen by passengers traveling on the Route 5-CH .

"The Historic City" , a name born from the Disaster of Rancagua , battle that changed the history of Chile (because it began the period of the Spanish Reconquista ).

"The Capital of the Rodeo" , denomination born from the fact that the headquarters of Rancagua National Rodeo Championship , which takes place annually in the Crescent Monumental de Rancagua .

"The City Huasa" , denomination born from culture huasa which is attributed to the O'Higgins Region .

"The Heavenly City or Province Capo" , a name that is made to Club Deportivo O'Higgins, and the large number of fans in this city.


 Early inhabitants and foundation

Vestiges of the Pucara of the Company in the Valley of Rancagua.

The picunches promaucaes three were the first known inhabitants of the Valley of Rancagua .  promaucaes built a pucar�  at Cerro La Company and a rope suspension bridge and wicker on Cachapoal River , which facilitated the expeditions Inca south of his empire , who used and fortified the Pucara. The Inka presence did not mean the loss of local authority or their land to picunches caciques.

Thus, the stronghold of Rancagua was retained by the ancestors of Thomas Guaglen Cacique ,  the last of the Picunches, which