Quill�n commune, was a transit area that lacked indigenous cultural practices within the idea of property or fixed place of residence. Corresponded to a transition zone- Picunche Mapuche, who was influential mid-century Inca XV
Its name derives from the Mapuche word "Keillun" meaning "Ayudantura" because in the past the area where today stands the village, it was a break for travelers who were traveling to and from Concepci�n.
Then, with the arrival of the Spanish, I am part of the Province of Concepci�n (Department Puchacay) area known as large estates.Since approximately 1600, Spanish families come from southern cities devastated and request settlement in these lands. Then, with frequent use of road-Florida-Quill�n Concepci�n-Bulnes which ultimately leads to Chillan, was also a resting place for travelers, who often had to wait for the weather to cross the Rio Itata by rafts. Given the population growth in the sector, is constructed of Quill�n Immaculate Conception Parish, which dates from 1832, in 2010, after the earthquake of February 27, collapses. Around the parish was formed as a village in 1846 and a legal document realizes Quill�n origins as a village. Finally on December 22, 1891 the district was legally founded and only in the twentieth century define their current boundaries and administrative agency of the Province of Dims.
In early 2012, the district was hit by a violent fire that consumed homes, agricultural land and forests in rural areas, and expanded to locations in Florida, and R�nquil Quirihue