The earliest traces of literature dating from Puerto Montt 1948 , with the appearance of the book "Rumors of Austro" the poet Salvador Zurita Mella. Then, in the mid 70's poets stand as Nelson Navarro, Jorge Lonc�n and Marlene Bohle, meeting under the publisher Polygon, which will reflect in their strong thematic link with the traditions and history chilota and German. This same generation belongs Antonieta Rodriguez , with his poetry teaching, and Monica Jensen, showing a more feminist textuality.
Advanced eighties arises magazine / group "Green Bird" with two key writers: Harry Vollmer and Marcelo Paredes, whose thematic core shape a vision of the southern lands from urban and marginal. In the late twentieth century, are emerging with force a group of young poets calling themselves "Quercipinion", formed in 1996 by poets like Manuel Moraga, Julieta Paredes, Johnny Nelson Soto and Reyes, and then others like Jessica Droppelmann, Daniela Bahamondes and Pedro Montealegre (now resident in Spain). By this time emerging with a more intimate women poets and Elsa Wolleter Alejandra Perez Carrasco.
Many of these writers were driven by the encounter trajectory "Rainbow Poetry", which since 1980 gathers literary creators southern Chile in this city.
The photographic art was introduced to Puerto Montt in the mid-nineteenth century by German settlers and professionals from other cities through the region capturing the faces of the people and landscape of the south. Among the settlers highlights the work done by Bernardo Mechsner. Also relevant is the photographic work developed by Dr. Charles Martin, who devoted himself to photographing landscapes in the area, which later became part of his book " Landeskunde von Chile ", published posthumously in 1912 .
Enrique Mora and Ferraz.Spanish photographer.Puerto Montt 1911-1930
In the early twentieth century, Puerto Montt had numerous