Pichilemu originally known as Pichilemo, is a beach resort city and commune in central Chile, and capital of Cardenal Caro Province. The commune comprises an urban center and twenty-two villages, such as Ciruelos, C�huil, and Espinillo, and is located southwest of Santiago, the capital of Chile. Pichilemu had 12,866 residents as of 2012.
Pichilemu is located 126 kilometres (78 mi) west of San Fernando, in the westernmost area of the O'Higgins Region, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is within a three-hour drive of the Andes Mountains. It is near the Cordillera de la Costa (Coastal Mountain Range) which rises to 2,000 metres (6,562 ft) in elevation.
The city is bordered by Litueche to the north, Paredones to the south, and Marchig�e and Pumanque to the east. To the west lies the Pacific Ocean. Pichilemu covers an area of 749.1 square kilometres (289.2 sq mi).
Pichilemu is located close to a geological fault (Pichilemu Fault), which is according to reports between the city and Vichuqu�n at 15 km depth, 40 km in length and 20 km wide. It is not known whether the fault was formed during the March 11, 2010 earthquake or if it was just reactivated