
History of Molina

In 1834 , the Mayor of Talca at the time, Jos� Donoso Bustamante, visit the Hacienda " Quechereguas "owned by Mary Cross Traffic and Antunez, married to Jose Antonio Rosales, Deputy of the Province, who wanted to found a town in one end of his property, bordering the Hacienda Villa Verde. In March 1834, the Mayor, the report of personalities in the industry, including the pastor of Lontu�, sends the request to the President of the Republic, Jos� Joaqu�n Prieto Vial . The December 10 received the Decree of November 28 by which the new population is created with the name of "Villa de Molina" in memory of Abate Juan Ignacio Molina SJ , wise Jesuit enriched Chilean national science