Llico has always maintained a traditional farming, and fishing, however, in the past three decades, there has been a noticeable advancement of forest plantations, by individuals and corporations, of eucalyptus and pine forests, which have dramatically changed the landscape and land use by reducing the land available for traditional agricultural activities.
From the 70's and until now, there has been throughout the area, a high level of exploitation of marine resources, especially seafood such as sea urchins, abalone, taps, diquives, reaching worrying levels, the low level of conservation of marine resources. This, added to overexploitation, in turn, several species of fish, by the industrial and artisanal fleet, have been serious problems for fishermen as Llico various coves. This has come to be solved, to a small extent, with the emergence of so-called, '"areas of operation", consisting of sea areas that have been assigned to different groups of fishermen-unions, for example, those who manage and rationally exploit, and the recent emergence of mariculture of some seafood, especially shellfish such as oysters, clams and mussels.
Very recently, and facilitated, in large part, from asphalting the road between Arauco with Llico (beginning of the 90s) has generated a growing emergence of initiatives in tourism, such as restaurants and some cabins for rent .
Aquaculture is, then, along with tourism, activities that are emerging as clear lines of future growth of this town, resilient soul, thanks to voluntary contributions from individuals, local municipality and central government attempts febles, search standing, facing the onslaught of nature, and to provide new opportunities for its inhabitants