Routes and Avenues
The main land route connectivity in the province is the Route 5-CH, route which connects the city with the rest of the country and is part of the Panamerican Highway. This route connects to the city by the Route CH-26 in the north of the city, and the Route CH-28 at the south entrance. In addition, the city is connected to the north of the country by Route 1-CH, the way that also allows access to Cerro Moreno International Airport and the natural monument La Portada.
Vehicular traffic is concentrated around the main avenues of the city due to the long and narrow shape of the urban area. The only avenue that crosses the city from north to south, corresponds to the coastal route known as "Avenida Costanera", which is formed by the avenues Jaime Guzm�n, Ej�rcito, Rep�blica de Croacia, Grecia,Jos� Manuel Balmaceda, An�bal Pinto, 7� de L�nea and Edmundo P�rez Zujovic; these avenues provide access to places like "Mall Plaza Antofagasta", the "Campus Coloso" of the University of Antofagasta, the city hall of the Municipality of Antofagasta, among others.
Airport and Port
Cerro Moreno International Airport is the only air terminal in Antofagasta and is located in Cerro Moreno, north of the city. This site, despite being classified as International Airport, operates only as a terminal for national flights. In this terminal operates three domestic airlines, LAN Chile, Principal Airlines and Sky Airlines to many Chilean airports and also to Lima, Per� being the only international destination served by TACA Per�.
The city also has a port complex of seven docks, inaugurated by President Carlos Ib��ez del Campo on 14 February 1943 under the name of Puerto de Antofagasta, which consists of two terminals. Terminal 1, consists of the docks 1, 2 and 3, is multi-operator and is managed by the �Empresa Portuaria Antofagasta� (EPA) since 1 July 1998. Terminal No. 2, composed of docks 4, 5, 6 and 7, monooperario type, which is