Most of the city's active labor is absorbed by the tertiary sector (commerce and services). In spite of that, the primary and secondary sectors, especially agribusiness, still play an important role in the local economy. The farming of bovine livestock supplies local slaughterhouses, which in turn allows Campo Grande to export meat to other states in Brazil and abroad. In addition to food processing and agribusiness, construction and non-metallic mineral processing are important. The area's most important crops are soy, rice and manioc. Recently, sugar cane is becoming important as well. According to IBGE, Campo Grande has a total of 11,657 commercial and 1,300 industrial enterprises.
The city's GDP was Rdollar11,6 billion (about of USdollar7,2 billions) in 2009,ranks as the richest city in the state, the fourth in the Central-West region of the country, and the 36th richest in Brazil (2009).
Per capita income was Rdollar14.091 in 2008 (about of USdollar8,750)