
History of Vrelo Bosne

It is one of the country's top natural landmarks and is one of the most famous scenes of natural beauty in the region.

The park is usually entered by foot or, for a reasonable price, by horse-carriage via the main avenue leading into it. The avenue itself contains traditional buildings from the Austro-Hungarian- era offering a peek into the luxuries of the past.

The paths and roads inside the park are ideal for walks and give the visitors the opportunity to take a closer look at the bubbling streams and waterfalls. Outdoor cafés are available offering drinks and snacks but opening times vary from season to season. Typical animals are ducks and swans among others.

During the Bosnian War the park was not maintained and trees were chopped and used for heating by the local citizens. In 2000 the park was restored to its former look by local youths led by an international ecological organization