Gorazde is situated on the banks of the River Drina in South East Bosnia (see maps). The city lies at the foot of the eastern slope of mountain Jahorina at a height of 345m above sea level. The settlement is situated on the alluvial terrace in a broad valley, formed by the erosion of the River Drina. The valley is bordered on the South-East by Biserna (701 m), on the South by Samari (696 m), on the South-West by Misjak (618 m), on the West by Gubavica (410 m) and on the North by Povrsnica (420 m).
The River Drina flows between these and some other hills. Its valley, which, since ancient times it has been part of the route going from the sea to the mainland (Dubrovnik - Trebinje - Gacko - Foca - the Drina valley), is the principal traffic artery in the south-eastern region of Bosnia. At Gorazde this road meets another coming from Sarajevo and central Bosnia via the Jabuka Mountain pass down to the Drina valley and preceding on to Plevlje