
Travel to Rurrenabaque

Rurrenabaque is reached by bus, 410 km from La Paz (18 hours), or by airplane (45 minutes-1 hour).

Three airlines have flights to Rurrenabaque: Amaszonas, Aerocon and TAM - Transporte A�reo Militar.

The buses from La Paz pass through Coroico, 70 km from La Paz. A new road on this route opened at the end of 2006, decreasing most motorized traffic on the older, more dangerous 'Death Road,' now highly popular for mountain bike tours. The 'Death Road' is also called the Yungas Road.

The airfield in Rurrenabaque was paved in 2010. Low clouds over nearby mountains can hinder planes' visibility and thus can also prevent planes from landing.

A nearby airport can also be used, Reyes, which is 32km and about one hour by bus. There are no mountains near Reyes, and the airport often has better weather and fewer low clouds. ([Reyes (Los Santos Reyes) is the capital of the Jos� Ballivi�n Province in the Beni Department)