
Travel to Teknaf

Buses running from Cox's Bazar (Tk 70-120, 2 hours) are crowded and pass through nice scenery as you get closer to Teknaf. If you're trying to head straight to Saint Martins Island and don't want to stay the night in Teknaf, try for a 6AM bus from Cox's Bazar and specify which ferry port you want to get off at - you may make it.

You can take a bus straight from Dhaka to Teknaf. Saudia: Leave at 8.30PM daily (to Dhaka 6:30PM) S. ALAM: leaves Dhaka daily at 10:30PM (to Dhaka 6:15PM)

The main ferry port is about 5 km north of town on the road to Cox's Bazar. Eagle I leave from here at around 10AM daily.

Keari Sindbad has its own port about 3 km further north from the main port on the same road. Their service is a little more reliable and costs about the same. The ferry leaves at 9:30AM daily (during peak season, or Thursday & Friday only during off peck season), then leaves Saint Martins Island around 3:00PM. Roundtrip tickets to Saint Martins Island run Tk 650 for main deck, 700 for open deck and 750 for bridge deck