that same year. On March 31, landed, they headed to the city of Maracay and La Victoria where there were received by President of Venezuela Carlos Soublette. Settlers arrived in Palmar del Tuy on April 8, 1843, 112 days after out of Baden. That day is considered the foundation day of Colonia Tovar, who took the last name of the donor. Among the first settlers there were scientists, naturalists, writers and painters, such as Karl Ferdinand Appun, Karl Moritz, Anton Goering, Ferdinand Bellerman (painter who was sponsored by Humboldt) and many others, most of whom are buried in the city cemetery. Initially, the village was organized around the production of coffee. As <<los colonieros>> were thriving, production spread to new lands and activities such as growing vegetables and fruits, it found good market in Caracas or La Victoria, and then the manufacture of barrels, using quality timber of the zone. For many years the colony was connected with Caracas by a river. The difficulty of communication, isolation and the environmental setting so different from the alpine mountains of Germany did that for quite some time, people are kept isolated and static, with a very slow population growth and even negative at some point, due to From the 60's, when Colonia Tovar was declared of tourist interest, began to reverse that trend, with the development of communications and tourism needs of Caracas,Maracay and other cities, which led to significant economic development. Today it is one of the richest in the country measured by person and one who has better life. Colonia Tovar's prosperity in turn led to high population growth of the population, from 3,373 to 14,309 inhabitants in 2001. Currently the paths tend to become congested at weekends due to the large number of visitors. The ancient descendants of early settlers are fully integrated into the country and have been crossbred with the native population. Speak Spanish and have had to rescue his own knowledge