ATC Buses Offers bus charter transportation to and from the Orlando Airport to Port Canaveral Cruises and hotels in the Orlando-Sanford area.
Greyhound can go south on SR-423 to I-4 to get to the major attractions.
Runways Transportation Company, Orlando International Airport Runways offers daily intercity shuttle service to Gainesville, University of Florida, and Jacksonville International Airport.
Megabus.com Express bus service to/from Atlanta, Jacksonville and Gainesville.
Driving to Orlando should be considered as a real and viable possibility for anyone with the geographic means. All Orlando attractions, including most major resorts and hotels are conveniently located off Interstate 95, running from Maine to Florida. Five minutes off of a choice of exits, depending on your destination, takes you anywhere you need to go. This can prove to be the most economical for your trip, as well as the most convenient
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