1 November The event is now in its fourth year and
continues to showcase York as a vibrant, contemporary and creative city. The
event breathes light and innovation into York's historic and urban environment,
attracting visitors from far and wide. 2009 will see three exciting new
commissioned art works each of which invites you to join-in and become part of
the action. At the end of the day, when the park gates are locked, life
continues into the night. Bright White present 'Vespertine', a captivating instillation
that exposes the magnificence and brutality of nocturnal wildlife. The
specially created sound track uses animal samples that are acoustically tuned
to the space, creating a unique visitor experience. The latest technology
allows you to explore pools of sound, which are linked to fascinating video
effects. Tucked away in the grounds of King's Manor, this promises to be a real
treat. KMA and Pilot Theatre present the world premiere of '5Circles' a
radical, imaginative, and beautiful global project. You can modify and
manipulate the sound, light and content online and then visit St Sampsons
Square to see your ideas projected on to the paving. Watch people and dancers
playing in the space and triggering unique patterns of light - you can even
join in yourself. GaiaNova provide an exciting opportunity to draw with light
onto the multangular tower in Museum Gardens. Using 'Tagtools', a simple
interactive drawing board, which allows you to see your drawings and doodles
projected onto the walls and brought to life. International artists will also
be using the tagtools at designated times to create colourful and inspiring
works of art. Illuminating York is fantastic for people of all ages. Events are
St Nicholas Fair and other pre Christmas
events. 2009: 26 - 29 November The Fayre offers a range of markets specialising
in gifts, crafts, and the very best in local farm produce