meaning a seminomadic life lodged in this district Nogays and employment with tillage of other local residents, and in the bottom part, on a blue field, - a black anchor which symbolised affinity of the given district to the sea are represented. By this time the customs outpost here has been opened. From Mariupol and Odessa some foreign representatives (negotiators) with their offices on purchase and grain sending for the seas-oceans here have moved.
In 1838 the Nizhneberdyansky beacon has been built which representing itself 23-metre octahedral whitestone tower with an orange strip in the middle. The first beacon fires the sailing ships, have seen in 1840. After almost half a century, in 1883, on change to oil lamps the electric have come. The Beacon-veteran reconstructed and equipped with the new equipment, and nowadays keeps watch, showing the way to the ships to native coast.
The city developed and grew. In the centre private residences of the nobility, merchants, priests, office accommodations were built. And on suburbs arose Berdyansk outskirts: Sailor's, German, Soldier's (more known as Liski), the Dog gully, Gavrilovka, Near and Far Makorty. In April, 1862 by tsar Alexander II with assistance of mayor N.Kobozev have been confirmed the plan of district city Berdyansk. By the plan the street were straight and leading to the sea. This layout has remained up to now in the central part of a city. It was forbidden to build houses above the second floor. Fine buildings decorated Berdyansk: Winter theatre, town council building, hotel "Bristol", boys' classical gymnasium, Voznesensky cathedral and Lutheran church. The seaport quickly developed. In 1869 breakwater building has come to the end. This construction made from stone in length of 640 metres with two port fires on the ends - indexes of pass to the harbour, located on distance 859 metres from coast, and until now truly serves for dockers. In the evening when the sun is gone for a breakwater, it