traditional costumes Lanzarote. Also go to the village of Mancha Blanca in Yaiza, where is the shrine, pilgrims from other islands of the archipelago, making for a few days in downtown traditional Canarian culture. The Insular Traditional Craft Fair and Folk Festival Cutillas Nanino Diaz, who artisans and groups of seven islands emphasize the importance for all Canary has been reaching the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
The other big party island are the carnival , usually held in February, but the date depends on the Easter and therefore the lunar cycles. The Carnival of Arrecife , sailor home, is the principal feast of the mask in Lanzarote, and in addition to the massive outdoor evening parties, hosts contests Carnival Queen , Drag Queen , street musicians and troupes .
Other popular festivals in the calendar of the island are the festivities of the island's capital, Arrecife , in honor of San Ginés Bishop ; parties San Juan , which spontaneously islanders celebrate with bonfires and bathrooms nocturnal parties in honor of the Virgen del Carmen , patron saint of sailors, held in several coastal towns on the island with colorful processions sea; Remedies in Yaiza or pilgrimage and pilgrimage to the shrine of Las Nieves , in the highlands of Famara . It also celebrated the day with a procession of Corpus passing on carpets that had drawings of different colors with salt.
Infrastructure and cultural life
Apart from the festivals, the cultural agenda of Lanzarote is completed with a series of events, more or less consolidated, among which include the performing arts festival "Badlands" in Arrecife, the film shows Lanzarote or Summer University of the island.
Among the cultural spaces of the island include:
The César Manrique Foundation , a private institution in charge of spreading the work and thoughts of the artist himself, based on Taro Tahiche.
The International Museum of