Battle of Arucas falling in Aboriginal leader Doramas. Capturing Tenesor Semidán, guanarteme of Gáldar, by Alonso Fernández de Lugo, will be crucial for the completion of the conquest. Tenesor Semidán was sent to Castile, where he was baptized with the name of Fernando Guanarteme and, after signing with Ferdinand the Covenant of Calatayud , became a loyal and valuable ally of the conquerors, whose performance has undergone several reviews by analysts history: Aboriginal traitor to the cause for some, skilled negotiator who saved many lives, for others. Finally, on April 29 of 1483, and by the Ansite fortress, uneven action occurs about delivery as Semidán Guayarmina, or suicide of others as the leader despeñamiento canary Bentejuí along with Faycán of Teldeshouting Atis Tirma (for my Earth.)