
Travel to Huancavelica

ormal">Bus company Molina (Av. 28 de Julio No. 1865 La Victoria, Lima) offers two services to Huancavelica daily, bus cama and basic. "Bus cama" service is a 2 story bus with food service which leaves Lima at 7:30pm and costs 60 soles for 1st floor cama seats and 40 soles for 2nd floor semi-cama seats. The "basic" service bus is one floor only and leaves Lima at 8:00pm and costs 35 soles.

Bus company Antezana (Terminal Zabala in the centro de Lima tel: 01-4265513) offers a "bus cama" service to Huancavelica daily. Leaves Lima from the Terminal Zabala at 7:00pm and costs 60 soles for 1st floor cama seats and 40 soles for 2nd floor semi-cama seats.

Bus company Oropesa (Jr. Montevideo No. 618 Centro de Lima) offers a "basic" service to Huancavelica Monday thru Saturday, leaving Lima at 7:15pm and costs 40 soles. On Sundays a "bus cama" service replaces the basic service which costs 60 soles for 1st floor and 50 soles for 2nd floor, and leaves Lima at the same time, 7:15pm.

From Ica

Bus company Oropesa (Calle Lambayeque No. 250 Ica) offers two "basic" services to Huancavelica daily. One leaves Ica at 5:00pm and costs 40 soles. The other leaves Ica at 7:00pm and costs 45 soles. 8 hour trip.