
Travel to Niamey

ng in your direction. Pirougues operate on erratic schedules, are both much slower and less comfortable than buses.


There are several highways leading to/from Niamey.

To the northwest: A newly-paved routes exists along the north side of the Niger connecting the city with Gao, Mali and which passes through Boubon, Farie, Tillaberi, & Ayorou. A less-travelled route on the south-side of the Niger in the same direction leads through several small towns towards Tera in the Liptano region.

To the southwest: A major highway leads to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso passing through the towns of Lamorde, Kobadie, & Torodi.

To the south: A highway leads to W National Park, passing through Boyenga & Say.

To the southeast: A major highway leads through Koure & Birni N'Gaoure to Dosso, where the major highway to Gaya & Benin heads south and the major highway to the eastern half of the country (Route Nationale 1) heads east.

To the northwest: A minor road leads to Route Nationale 1 at Dogondoutchi.

To the north: A minor road leads to Anderamboukane, Mali passing through Oullam & Bani Bangou
