
History of Rivas

city of Rivas on June 29, 1855 and are defeated by the forces of the loyalist side. The melee, which was Nicaraguans on both sides, is remembered for the heroic action of Nicaraguan teacher and Mongalo Emmanuel Rubio and Felipe Neri Fajardo worker who volunteered to burn the house of Don Max Espinoza, where they were sheltered filibusters

In the second battle of Rivas, which took place on April 11, 1856 , military forces of Costa Rica , led personally by President Juan Rafael Mora Porras , defeated those of Walker, but with a high number of casualties.  Subsequently, the Costa Rican army, decimated by the epidemic of cholera Morpheus , had to leave the city, which was occupied again by the filibusters.

The Third Battle of Rivas, on March 3, 1857, was an attack by the allied forces Central to the city of Rivas, Walker headquarters, to no avail.
