towns,mangroves, and ancient churches; the volcano of San
Cristóbal, the highest in Nicaragua, can be found here, as well as the other
volcanoes of the San Cristóbal complex (El Chonco, Moyotepe, and Casita),
and further east, the peninsula-forming Cosigüina volcano.
Chinandega is also a center of agriculture growing sugarcane,
bananas, peanuts, sesame seeds, cashews, oranges, and grains. It
is also a shrimping and fishing center and it manufactures salt, and
leather goods. It is also home to the largest sugar mills and rum factory (Flor
de Caña) in the country. The port of Corinto, also in Chinandega, is
the most important in Western Nicaragua.
Natives of the department include Salomón Ibarra
Mayorga, writer of the national anthem of Nicaragua; Tino López
Guerra, the bullfighter; the priest Tomás Ruiz; and athletes like Vicente
Padilla and Próspero González