
History of Progreso

ese works we increase from three docking positions to nine with the possibility of building one more in the near future.

These enlargement works created a great number of jobs, both direct and indirect, with a termination of construction in a record time of 19 months, with a total investment of 1,130 millions of pesos = 119 million dollars, invested by the federal government.

With the termination of the channel and the cruise ship dock, along with the capacity to serve two mega cruise ships of the fourth generation at one time and a position for receiving tourist ferry's, this will reflect in an increase the tourist activity in the area, and Port Progreso will be included in the cruise ship routes that navigate to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.

The terminal specialized in containers, which will be managed by private companies, will receive an investment of 150 million pesos = 15.8 million dollars, in equipment, including the installation of two Panama type dock cranes for serving the container carrier ships efficiently, providing productivity at international levels.

The oil terminal, with a programmed investment of 82 million pesos = 8.6 million dollars, is another achievement of the enlargement project, for now tank ships with 40,000 tons of product will be able to dock, and this will reduce the unload time of hydrocarbons, creating important savings in the cost of freight and maneuvering, making the unload operations safer, avoiding leaking accidents and environmental damages.

The bulk terminal managed by Multisur, with a private investment of 600 million pesos = 6.3 million dollars, will allow the receiving of larger ships, because previously the port was limited to receiving bulk carrier ships with just 18 thousand tons paying for the full slip freight. Now, the same ships will be able to dock with their full capacity of up to 35 thousand tons of product, and increase the efficiency of unload from 8 thousand to 20