ychiatry, incorporating Zen Buddhism and "communal psychoanalytic studies" (estudios psicoanalĂticos comunitarios). This attracted many artists, composers, architects, and counterculture types here.
More recently the city has seen a very active society dedicated to the preservation of its environment and cultural heritage. The Frente Civico which is now influential throughout the country, along with some 150 other organizations has promoted a boycott against Costco for having destroyed the Casino de la Selva to build a couple of warehouses. One of its members, Professor Jaime Lagunez, (also promoter of Zen buddhism) lobbied a general agreement in the national congress for the purpose of protecting its sixty archeological sites, its vegetation, historic center, and neighboring forests, among other important cultural aspects of the city. (see http://www.senado.gob.mx/gace.php?sesion=2008/08/13/1&documento=60). The Frente Civico received the 2004 National Mendez Arceo Human Rights Award for having protected the world cultural heritage found in the city