Our Lady of Mercy Church (Il-Knisja tal-Madonna tal-Ħniena)
Another center of devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows in Żejtun, is the church of Our Lady of Mercy (Madonna tal-Ħniena), in the zone of Bir id-Deheb. In 1575 a church already existed in this place, but in 1618 Bishop Cagliares ordered its closure. Three years later the Bishop reopened this church, dedicating it to St Mary but giving it the title of Our Lady of Mercy.
In 1659 this church closed for another time and the altar transferred to the church of Santa Marija tal-Ħlas, also in Żejtun. It reopened for the second time in 1677.
St Mary of Ħal-Tmiem Church (Il-Knisja ta' Santa Marija ta' Ħal-Tmiem)
In the church of Santa Marija ta' Ħal-Tmiem (St Mary of Hal-Tmiem) there is a statue of Our Lady of Sorrows that is copy of the statue of the parish church.
Madonna della Signora Church (Il-Knisja tas-Sinjura)
In this church, known by the residents as 'Tas-Sinjura', there is a bust of Our Lady of Sorrows under a big cross that found in this church.
St Gregory Church (Il-Knisja ta' San Girgor)
Also in the church of St Gregory, that was the parish church of Żejtun before today's parish church, there is a statue of Our Lady of Sorrows on a rock, in the chapel of Our Lady of Monte Carmel. n
St Clement Church (Il-Knisja ta' San Klement)
In the church of St Clement there is a painting by Francesco Zahra. In this painting one can find the
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